10 years of Mission Assistance

We strongly believe that:
part of our focus, prayer, faith, hope, love, compassion, tears, joy, friendship, revelation, effort, labor, intercession, help, hugs, caring, fatherhood, instruction, resources, attention, words of encouragement, boldness, and preaching the Word of God must belong to other nations in order for the Kingdom of God to extend to the ends of the earth! THATS WHAT JESUS WANTED! And we are His vessels, and we say YES to Him!

For 10 years now we have been part

of His grand plan to save the world! What can compare to this!

And it's great that we are not alone. Today we think of the hundreds and thousands of people who have become part of this work. Our partners, sponsors of children, volunteers, short-term missionaries, prayers, givers, and friends.
We are doing something very important with you in the light of eternity, in the light of the coming of Jesus Christ, in the light of the day when we stand before him to give an account of our lives! It's worth it! And every effort to save people will be rewarded by our Lord. From Him is a reward, from us a great debt gratitude.
We celebrated our 10th anniversary at the church!!! Remember how it all began. There have been many testimonies of how God has touched people's lives through our team. These testimonies sounded with tears in their eyes.
Elders of our district were also guests of the holiday. They noted the obvious difference that God brought through our mission to the local community. And of course we know who deserves all the Glory!!! Only to Him alone - our Lord Jesus Christ!

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